Hamilton Grange Museum – Grand re-opening
Hamilton Grange Museum – Grand re-opening
Hamilton Grange Museum – Grand re-opening
Hamilton Grange Museum – Grand re-opening

Project Description

For the successful grand re-opening of the Hamilton Grange Museum in New York, NY Shadowbox Design Management handled a wide range of event production aspects, including staging, audio, seating, video, and personnel support.

Collaborating with Full House Events and the National Park Service, your team set up a 32’x24’ wide stage on the sloped land in front of the museum for the grand opening ceremony. Additionally, Shadowbox Design Management provided an extra 16’x16’ wide stage for post-ceremony entertainment. The challenge of constructing stable stages on a hill underscores the technical expertise and problem-solving capabilities of our experienced staff. Temporary event setups like this require a deep understanding of both technical requirements and the event’s overall objectives.